
Queenswell Junior School



Welcome to the information page on Attendance and Punctuality.

At Queenswell Junior School we are committed to raising attendance levels.


NEWS:  The recent High Court case was brought by Isle of Wight Council appealing a magistrates’ decision in favour of a parent.  Please read this statement from the London Borough of Barnet:  

Latest Guide for Parents from the Barnet Education Welfare Team, October 2019:

Making sure your child attends school and is punctual, is the first step you can take to help your child’s education, helping to maximise their learning.

It is essential that children attend school and maintain a pattern of good attendance throughout their school career.  The link between attendance and attainment in school is clear.  It is widely recognised that good attendance at school is a key factor in raising attainment and for improving future life opportunities for young people.



Every day really does matter, if your child misses school, they are missing out on learning.  Help your child to achieve and become the best they can be – make sure they come to school every day and make sure they arrive on time!

Below is our ATTENDANCE & PUNCTUALITY POLICY which tells you what we are doing on areas of Attendance and Punctuality and what we expect from you as Parents/Carers.  Please take time to read this.

We reward classes with good attendance and punctuality, weekly the class with the best attendance will get extra playtime!  At the end of every month we will publish here the class with the best Attendance and Punctuality and they will receive a treat for the class!



December 2020




BEST ATTENDANCE: Class 5DH - 98.56%





100 Club – at the end of every term (please note that end of Spring Term means Autumn plus Spring Terms), children with 100% attendance and 100% punctuality will be rewarded during assembly with a certificate and sticker.  The winners for each term will be displayed on the Attendance Board in the school lobby area and announced in the newsletter - currently postponed due to Covid-19.


At the end of the school year, children who have achieved 100% attendance and 100% punctuality throughout the whole year, will be rewarded during a Prizewinners assembly with a sticker, certificate and extra prize!


If your child misses school without good reason and their attendance becomes a problem, you can expect to be contacted by the Education Welfare Officer (EWO), who visits our school every term to check attendance and punctuality.


If you would like to discuss any aspect of your child’s attendance, please contact Ms Helen Myers, Attendance Officer for both Infant and Junior schools, on 0208 445 0524 ext. 47, or email


Please call or leave any absence messages for the Junior school on 0208 445 2056 Option 1.

