QUOTES from our recent OFSTED inspection in 2018
- The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection.
- Pupils say that the school is friendly. They are proud of their school and said that they enjoy their learning.
- This is a happy and inclusive school, where pupils thrive because of [the school’s] commitment to their development and well-being.
- There is a clear culture of safeguarding that is promoted strongly by school leaders.
- In lessons, pupils collaborate well with their peers, displaying excellent attitudes to learning. Pupils know that their learning will not be disrupted. Strong working relationships exist with all staff, and pupils report that they will gladly speak to any adult should there be a problem.
QUOTES from our most recent parental survey
- I would recommend the school to another parent because it is well led and has fantastic teachers/ members of staff. It is very welcoming and any concerns are dealt with quickly and efficiently.
- My child started as an in-year transfer and immediately settled in. The class and staff made her welcome and everyday she comes out smiling.
- The school considers children’s individual needs – sets homework tasks that parents can do with their child. Communicates well with parents and offer extra-curricular activities.
- The school offers a lot of lessons i.e. music, Spanish & computing. The children’s learning based around a theme/ topic is great as this allows all children to thrive not just those who are academic but creative.
- Queenswell is the best school in Barnet!
Parents/ carers can request via the school office paper copies of anything on our website which will be provided free of charge.