
Queenswell Junior School

Remote Learning Provision

Remote Learning Provision


Information for parents


The information provided here is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils, parents and carers about what to expect from remote learning, if local restrictions require bubbles or the school to stay at home.


At Queenswell Junior School remote learning is accessed via Google Classroom, an online platform that incorporates Google's G Suite software (Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drive and Google Meet, etc.). Pupils can access everything they need for their classwork. Google Meet allows pupils to join video calls within the secure Google Classroom environment and chat with their teacher and other pupils within their class. Pupils need to log onto their Google Classroom account with their personal account username and password.


The Remote Curriculum


What is taught to pupils at home?


A pupil’s first day of being taught remotely might look different from our standard approach, while we all take necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching.


What should my child expect from immediate remote learning on the first day of pupils being sent home?


Teachers have been asked to upload all work that is being taught in school to Google Classroom, including foundation subjects where possible. If your child is in school when they are sent home your child will be asked to log on and work on TTRockstars, which will allow the teacher to upload further work. They will also be encouraged to read for pleasure.


Following the first day of remote learning, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?


The children will follow the same curriculum remotely wherever possible and appropriate. However, some subjects will need adapting. An example of this is physical education or design technology as the resources or equipment might not be available to achieve the learning outcome.


Remote teaching and study time each day


We expect that remote learning and independent study will take pupils broadly a minimum of 4 hours a day each day.


Accessing remote learning


How will my child access any remote online learning you are providing?


How to access your Google Account

Click the link below to watch a short video that explains how to access your Google account from home.

Click here to watch the video!


How to open your work and turn it in on Google Classroom.

Click the link below to watch a short video that explains how to open your work in Google Classroom and how to "turn in your assignment".

Click here to watch the video!


How to access Google Meet from your Google Classroom

This is a short video that explains how to access Google Meet from Google Classroom. First sign into your Google account and be in your Google Classroom.

Click here to watch the video!

If my child does not have access to remote online learning at home, how will you support them to access remote learning?


The computing subject leader has taken regular audits to ensure children who do not have access to a device will be given a loan device, either through the government initiative or if necessary from school. These will be on a 6 month loan agreement. Parents must sign for the device. If we are unable to provide a device, paper work packs may be sent to the child.


How will my child be taught remotely?


We will use a range of approaches to teach the pupils remotely.


Some examples of remote learning:


Live registration and explanation for the day’s work.

Three afternoon live sessions.

Some live sessions, e.g. cooking.

Groups of children may be invited to stay with the teacher for longer in the Google Meet to go through work.

Recorded teaching, e.g. video/audio recordings by the teacher, Oak academy, White Rose.

Printed paper work packs.

Links to commercially available websites, e.g. BBC Bitesize.

Live weekly class assembly with the Head of School.


Engagement and feedback


What are your expectations for your child’s engagement and the support parents and carers should provide at home?


All classes will provide a daily timetable which will show the expectations for the day.


The children will be expected to attend their registration; this has been staggered to support families with more than one child and who have limited access to devices.

Parents/carers are expected to set up learning routines and provide a space for the child to complete their work.

If a child is not engaging in the remote learning a member of staff will phone to find out why.

The children will be expected to attend the three afternoon sessions.


How will you assess my child’s work and progress?


English and maths will be marked by either the class teacher or classroom assistant and may provide opportunities for the child to respond. Quizzes may be set for completion and instant marking will take place. Teachers will be monitoring quiz results. Foundation subjects will be marked and a comment may be made. Whole class meetings will take place three afternoons a week where work may be discussed and a story read.


Additional support for pupils with particular needs


We recognise that some pupils, for example pupils with an EHCP or SEN support, may not be able to access remote learning without support from adults at home. We understand that this will be difficult and we will work with those families to support their child in the following ways:

The school’s Inclusion Manager will keep in contact with the family to ensure we are supporting the child in the best ways. Classroom assistants may call regularly to give the pupil an opportunity to go through paper work packs that will have been sent home.

