Welcome to Year 3!
The staff working in this year group to support your child's learning are : Miss Constanti, Ms Walsh, Ms Calliste, Mrs Georgiou, Ms Correy and Mrs Khajuria.
Homework & Routines
Your child will have 2 PE lessons during the week so please ensure that they come to school wearing their PE kit on these days. They are not to bring their PE kit bag to school due to restrictions within the school. Their kit should include; dark shorts/jogging bottoms, a white polo t-shirt, their Queenswell sweatshirt and trainers NOT plimsolls.
4EC | Indoor PE - Tuesday | Outdoor PE – Thursday |
4CE | Indoor PE - Tuesday | Outdoor PE – Thursday |
Homework will be set each TUESDAY and is due to be handed in on the following MONDAY. We will be setting homework on Google Classroom, your child will be given further training on Google Classroom in the coming weeks, we are doing this to minimise contact from home and school and to minimise paper usage. The weekly homework will include; spellings/SPaG, timetables and challenge homework.
Children are also expected to read for 10 minutes every day, preferably with an adult.
Please send your child to school with one pencil case including; writing pencils, blue/black biros, ruler, sharpener, rubber, a set of colouring pencils, a Pritt stick and a green pen. Additionally, please send your child to school with a water bottle and a coat.
Our Learning Journey
Our Learning Journey this half term is our History topic, Celts and Romans.
This half term, the children will be taking on the challenge of writing in role as Boudicca and Julius Caesar as well as using the features of a diary entry and character descriptiuon to explaore their topic of The Celts and Romans. Additionally, the children will be continuing their learning around nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives and fronted adverbials. They will also begin to explore more complex homophones, alliteration, similes and onomatopeia.
During this half term, the children will be continuing to work through the addition and subtraction of number. The children will add and subtract numbers mentally, including: a three-digit number and ones and a three-digit number and tens. As well as this, the children will practise solving varied addition and subtraction questions. For mental calculations with two-digit numbers, the answers could exceed 100. The children will use their understanding of place value and partitioning, and practise using column addition and subtraction with increasingly large numbers up to three digits and estimate the answer to a calculation and use inverse operations to check answers.
In Science this half term, the children will be learning all about Forces and Magnets. The children will learn to compare how things move on different surfaces, notice that some forces need contact between two objects, but magnetic forces can act at a distance. Additionally, the children will observe how magnets attract or repel each
other and attract some materials and not others, compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some magnetic materials.
Religious Education
This half term the children will be learning all about 'Religion and the individual - What does it mean to be a Muslim?' The children will explore; what it means to be a follower, what does following a religion mean, what is Prayer, how do Muslims pray, how do Christians pray, what is expected of a person following Christianity and Islam and why are the 5 pillars important to Muslims.
This half term the children will be learning about Celts and Romans. They will explore this topic by: making comparisons between the Celts and the Romans; making comparisons between the past and the present; sequencing events in chronological order; using role play to examine the lives of ordinary people and famous characters; studying historical artefacts; studying different sources; doing research using books and the internet.
This half term the children will be linking Geography to their History topic, Celts and Romans. This will involve using map skills to explore the spread of the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain.
This half term the children will explore patterning to create a Celtic knot. They will also be making Roman shields and fortresses.
Design & Technology
In Design and Technology this half term the children will explore patterns and materials in Roman mosaics. They will then design and create their own Roman mosaics.
In PSHE this half term, the children will be focusing their learning on 'Accidents and prevention Healthy and safety'. The children will learn all about about outdoor places and how to behave responsibly and will produce a display on outdoor risks. Additionally, the children will be taught about 'Drug education' and will learn about medicines and everyday drugs and how to deal with unhelpful pressure, school rules about health and safety, basic emergency aid procedures, where and how to get help and should be able to ask for help or assistance.
In indoor PE this half term, the children will be exploring how to find and use space well, understand why warming up is important and use a range of skills to keep possession of the ball. During outoodr PE, the children will use a range of skills to help me keep possession and control of the ball, use a range of skills to make progress towards a goal, weigh up the options and make decisions about what to do and recognise players who play well in games and give some reasons why.
This half term, the children will be learning about 'Los Instrumentos' (Instruments). The chidlren will speak with others using simple words, phrases and short sentences and write some familiar simple words from memory or using supported written materials (e.g. familiar nouns).
This half term children have been learning about the Symphony Orchestra. They have been listening to a range of orchestral pieces to identify music that is familiar to them, for example popular movie themes. Children have been disecting the orchestra into different sections/families and have been identifying instrument in each section/family. Whilst locating instruments in the orchestra, they have also been discussing and understanding the difference in pitch of these instruments. Children have also been learning how to conduct a basic 4/4 and 3/4 rythms which they are able to follow using a range of untuned percussion.
Keyboard Skills
This half term pupils will continue to learn how to log into and out of their Google account. They will use BBC Dance Mat Typing to develop their keyboard skills.
Online safety
Our online safety focus this half term will take place during Anti-Bullying Week 2021 which is happening from Monday 15th – Friday 19th November. The theme is ‘One Kind Word. The children will attend a special assembly and have an opportunity to wear odd socks. During our computing session we will focus on Cyber/online bullying and what to do in this situation.