The staff working in this year group to support your child's learning are:
Ms Alam, Mr Byrne & Miss Oxland
Homework & Routines
Spelling homework will be posted on Google classroom on WEDNESDAY and is expected to be completed by the following TUESDAY. Your child will have 2 PE lessons during the week so please ensure that they come to school wearing their PE kit on Mondays and Wednesdays (Monday and Tuesday 5SA) They are not to bring their PE kit bag to school due to restrictions within the school. Their kit should include; dark short/jogging bottoms, a white polo t-shirt, their Queenswell sweatshirt and trainers NOT plimsolls.
Our Learning Journey
This term Year 5 will be learning about Ancient Greece! We will learn about the history of the civilisation and its impact on today's world.
In our English lessons this half term, we will be using an illustrated version of Homer's 'The Odyssey' as our class text. We will study the features of myths and legends and use these to write our own myths, inspired by the stories we've heard. To help us with this, we will be writing character descriptions, setting descriptions and learn how to use speech effectively in narrative writing.
This half term in Maths Year 5 will be covering the following topics, following the White Rose Scheme of learning:
We will be learning how to read and interpret charts, graphs and tables and the children will be introduced to line graphs. They will have the opportunity to solve real life problems involving all of these.
Number: Multiplication and Division
Children will be learning about factors, multiples and prime numbers, as well as being introduced to square and cube numbers. During this topic, children will also be revising how to multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000.
Measurement: Perimeter and Area
During this topic, children will learn how to calculate the perimeter and area of rectangles and rectilinear shapes.
This term we will be learning about Earth and Space! We will be exploring the movement of the Earth, and other planets, and find out about the solar system. We will be learning about how the rotation of the earth explains why we have day and night and understand the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.
Religious Education
This half term, Year 5 will be learning about ‘Worship’ in our RE lessons, focusing on the Jewish celebrations of Shabbat, Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah and Yom Kippur. The children will learn about the significance of different symbols, foods and ceremonies.
In History we will be comparing life in Ancient Greece to life today, including the role of different members of society, how it was structured and different aspects of daily life. Children will also learn about the achievements of the Ancient Greeks and how their ideas and lifestyles have impacted our lives today.
In Geography, the children will be learning about the Ancient Greek states and why the Ancient Greeks settled where they did. They will also be exploring the ideas of trade and land use and how these have changed over time.
In Art, year 5 will be creating works inspired by the solar system, using collage and other media.
Design & Technology
This half term we will be cooking Ancient Greek inspired recipes to support our Learning Journey.
We will also be designing, making and evaluating our own Ancient Greek sandals.
Year 5 will be developing skills in gymnastics: to perform actions, shapes and balances clearly, consistently and fluently, with good body tension and accurately repeat longer sequences with more difficult actions having an emphasis on extension, clear body shape and changes in direction. In hockey we will be leaning about the differences between attacking skills and defending skills, and thinking like an attacker and a defender during the game along with teamwork-building skills.
In Spanish we will be learning the vocabulary associated with the Ancient Olympic games. The children will be introduced to the names of different sports in Spanish and start to read more complex phrases in longer sentences and passages.
This half term children have been learning about African greetings, rhythm variations and call & response. Pupils have learnt how call and response is used in multiple styles and time periods starting from the early 1800's to the present day. They have used their knowlegde from their learning journey (Biomes) to help them create rhythmic patterns using words and phrases. Children have been using a range of tuned and untuned percussion to show understanding of effect, texture, timbre and clarity to their rhythms.
Introduction to Spreadsheet Formula
This half term pupils will be using Google Sheets. They will learn how a simple formula can quickly carry out calculations for the user.
Online safety
Our online safety focus this half term will take place during Anti-Bullying Week 2021 which is happening from Monday 15th – Friday 19th November. The theme is ‘One Kind Word. The children will attend a special assembly and have an opportunity to wear odd socks. During our computing session we will focus on Cyber/online bullying and what to do in this situation.